The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project, in operation since 2011, is a collaboration between Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World of Brown University (Rhode Island, USA), with the support of the Soprintendenza Archeologia del Lazio e dell’Etruria Meridionale and the Comune di Vacone, with former support from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Alberta. The project, with staff and students from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Italy, seeks to understand the long-term development of rural settlement and economy in the Sabine region of Italy, located today in the province of Rieti of the region of Lazio. This area is located about 40 miles north of Rome, just east of the Tiber River, in the hinterland of the ancient town of Forum Novum (modern day Vescovio). Much of the project has focused on the excavation of the mid-Republican to mid-imperial villa located in the town of Vacone (the excavation is operated through two field schools that train undergraduate and graduate students in archaeological field skills and methods). We have also conducted survey and geophysical prospection at over 15 other sites in the region. This combination of excavation and extensive survey has allowed the project to document a significant Roman boom in settlement and economic activity in the area of the Upper Sabina Tiberina.